Year of Jubilee

July 28, 2024
Good Morning AIC Family! Pastor Henry will be delivering a special message about the Year of Jubilee.  Our service begins at 11:00 AM. Sermon Notes are attached below.
Good Morning AIC Family! We will be continuing our summer series titled: "Teach Us to Pray"! Pastor Henry will deliver the message this morning. Our service begins at 11:00 AM.…
Good Morning AIC Family! We will be continuing our summer series titled: "Teach Us to Pray"! Pastor Henry will deliver the message this morning. Our service begins at 11:00 AM.…
Good Morning AIC Family! We will be continuing our summer series titled: "Teach Us to Pray"! Pastor Henry will deliver the message this morning. Our service begins at 11:00 AM.…
Good Morning AIC Family! We will be continuing our new summer series titled: "Teach Us to Pray"! Pastor Henry will deliver the message this morning. Our service begins at 11:00…
Good Morning AIC Family! This morning, we will be starting our new summer series titled: "Teach Us to Pray"! Pastor Henry will deliver the first message of this new series.…

Baptism Sunday

May 19, 2024
Good Morning AIC Family! Today is Baptism Sunday as our baptism candidates will partake in water baptism on this special day. Please pray for them as they take this step…
Happy Mother's Day AIC Family! Our service this morning is a special one as it is dedicated to all our mothers. Pastor Henry will deliver the message this morning. Our…